值 & 历史
Centre College’s mission is to prepare students for lives of learning, leadership, and service
The adoption of the strategic plan by the Centre College Board of Trustees in 2022 marked the beginning of a new focus for the College’s future. 除了执行该计划的具体倡议和监测进展情况外, the planning process has included the continuing reassessment of the individual initiatives and of the goals themselves, 根据学院内部不断变化的条件和更广泛的外部环境.
We pledge continuing efforts to build and 强度en a community enriched by our differences and founded upon our common humanity. Centre respects the right of all members of the community to express their individuality in a manner that is consistent with the dignity and welfare of others. bwin体育努力创造一个环境,在不同的庆祝,而不是气馁, 在哪里,个人有机会交换思想,分享丰富的共同经验. 通过重视个人的整体品质而不是任何单一的品质, bwin体育将保持其独特的社区.
作为负责中央学院整体管理和管理的机构, the Board of Trustees pledges continuing efforts to build and 强度en a community enriched by the differences of its members and founded upon our common humanity. We also affirm that the values of diversity and inclusion are critical to the fulfillment of the mission of higher education in general, 尤其是中央学院. 为此目的, 我们欢迎不同背景的人士加入bwin体育社区, 观点, 比赛, 信仰传统, 民族, 性取向, 和经验. 这些差异丰富了我们对真理的追求, 我们对人类同胞的理解, 让我们每个人都成为这个世界上更有效的领导者和行动者. 因为bwin体育尊重通过教育获得机会和社会流动性的美国理想, we are committed to not only welcoming into the Centre community persons who have traditionally been underrepresented, 同时也促进他们充分参与社区活动. 进一步, 我们致力于创建一个以诚实著称的大学社区, 强度, 同情, 以及对更大利益的承诺.
我们受托人认为这对bwin体育社区的所有部分都是正确的:受托人委员会, 教师, 工作人员, 学生群体. 与董事会本身有关, 我们肯定,多样性和包容性对董事会领导学院的有效性至关重要. 因此, 因为董事会有责任选择最优秀、最聪明的人担任受托人, 我们认识到,其成员的多样性是一个重要的优先事项. 除了, 委员会将努力制定政策, 确定资源, 并鼓励合理的做法,以实现教师之间的多样性, 工作人员, 学生群体.
作为一项基本政策,并符合1972年教育修正案第九条的规定, 1973年康复法案第504条, 以及所有其他适用的非歧视法律, 中央学院没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或性别表达, 年龄, 残疾, 资深的地位, 或者在任何教育或就业政策的管理中提供遗传信息. 中央学院聘用和提拔员工,并根据成绩录取学生, 资格, 和性格.
Centre College is committed to fostering respect for the diversity of the College community and the individual rights of each member of that community. 本着这种精神, and in accordance with the provisions of 1973年康复法案第504条 and expanded by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Centre College seeks to provide disabled students with the support services and other reasonable accommodations needed to ensure equal access to the programs and activities of the College.
中央学院致力于可持续发展, 环保措施, 还有节能. 从学生组织到总统气候承诺咨询委员会(PCCC), bwin体育社区的成员团结一致,希望减少对环境的影响. 学院目前正积极参与循环再造及节能工作, 温室气体减排政策和计划, 和建筑项目的结果是漂亮的功能, 环保建筑.
1820年秋天,老bwin体育——学院的第一座建筑——开始教学, 有两个教员和五个学生. 课程遵循当时的古典课程,包括拉丁语、希腊语、修辞学和逻辑学. 老bwin体育的建设始于1819年,于1820年完工,耗资8000美元. 它的设计目的是容纳400名学生,同时也是一所文法学校. It has been used continuously since Centre’s beginning and today houses administrative offices as well as meeting rooms and the 入学 Office’s reception area for prospective students. 尽管早年经济困难, 长老会教会内外的争论, and several wars (including the occupation of Old Centre by both Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War), bwin体育自成立以来一直保持开放,并致力于其教育使命.